I Sneak Into Imagineer Dave's World To Look At Create Mod Trains!

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In this live stream I sneak into Imagineer Dave's world to take a look at some amazing trains and infrastructure build around them. Dave uses the Create mod a...

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Boat Slalom Racing On The Gearworks SMP - Create Mod Server

RascallyRabbit built a wonderful slalom track for boat racing which we try out on this live stream! NoisyNoodle has also built a horse racing track with lots of obstacles and even a secret passage way...

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Building The Christmas Area On Gearworks SMP For The Winter Holidays

We start building the Christmas area on the Gearworks SMP where we will have events and celebrate the winter holidays! To begin we clear out a large forest area and do a bit of terraforming.


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How To Build A Create Mod Chocolate Factory - Day 8

In this video we build a Create mod chocolate factory in Minecraft with a focus on both Create and the building itself! We also take a look at other builds my community has submitted to give some dif...

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Create Mod Server Tour - Gearworks

In this video we take a look at the Gearworks SMP and all the fun Create mod builds that our members have built. We just had a new update with the Brewin' and Chewin' mod which RocketRidingRat already...

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