My 4 Favorite Minecraft Servers Of 2024 - Vanilla And Create Mod

I joined a bunch of different multiplayer Minecraft servers to find out which were my favorite! So in this video I show you 4 great Minecraft servers that I have really enjoyed playing on!


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Train Vs Giant Pit #Shorts Version!

I use the Create mod along with Create Interactive to crash a train into a giant pit with 10000 creepers and 50000 TNT!

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Epic Showdown: Train Vs Giant Pit

Watch as a train takes on a giant pit in this epic #shorts video! Get ready for some thrilling action and see who comes out on top. #createinteractive

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Airships With Create Interactive! #Shorts #Minecraft #Moddedminecraft #Createmod

The airships function as trains on invisible rail but with Create Interactive we can build on the airships while they are moving! Join my Discord: https://disco...

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A 3D Printer With Minecraft Create Mod! #Minecraft #Createmod #Moddedminecraft #3Dprinter

Did you know you can make a 3D printer in Minecraft using the Create Mod? Join my Discord!

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Create Mod Wool Farm In Minecraft! #Createmod #Minecraft #Sheep #Moddedminecraft

This is one example of how you can farm wool from sheep with the Minecraft Create Mod! Join my Discord!

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Steam Whistles Can Play Different Musical Notes! #Minecraft #Createmod

By changing the height and width of the different steam whistles we can produce different musical notes! Join my Discord!

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Smallest Vs Largest Steam Engine In The Minecraft Create Mod! #Createmod #Minecraft #Minecraftideas

The smallest steam engine can be powered with a campfire while the largest steam engine is powered with super heated blaze burners! Join my Discord! https://dis...

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